På alle Boligmessene våre har vi barnepark med mange morsomme aktiviteter for barn over 3 år. Slik blir Boligmessen en hyggelig opplevelse for hele familien, og ikke bare de voksne.
Her kan barna kose seg mens foreldrene henter tips, inspirasjon og tilbud på messen.

Large bouncy castle
Play park offer a huge inflatables throughout 7x7m for all children. Here children can play, jump, ravage and enjoy themselves as much as they want. Bouncy castle will be open throughout the exhibition period. Age 3 years.
Large theater room
We build up a separate theater room inside play park. For all those who love cartoons. Here you can relax in front of a 52 inch big screen with mostly Walt Disney can offer.
We make it as comfortable as we can own easy chairs or sakosekker to all children so the experience as good as possible. An absolute hit with the kids!

Ansiktsmaling er også en hit i barneparken! Våre hyggelige barnepassere har ulike motiver som barna kan velge mellom. Kanskje du får tilbake et barn som er omdannet til <strong>tiger, sommerfugl, katt, kanin eller ape?</strong>
Everyone gets to choose exactly what they will look like based on a variety of inspirations. Some popular designs include: Tiger, butterfly, cat, rabbit or monkey. Do not let this go by you if you take the trip to the fair. The kids love it!