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Experience a Housing Fair here

We are Norway's largest Housing exhibition

Come and meet thousands of potential customers

Boligmesse is an important meeting for the housing industry and those who are renovating or building a new house.

We gather everything about home, garden and holiday in one place. In three days, thousands of dedicated and affluent people stop at Boligmesse for tips, inspiration and great deals for their projects.

We travel to 20 cities each year, from Tromsø in the north to Kristiansand in the south.

Each booth weekend meetings with local and national exhibitors, new and existing customers and offers its products, services and expertise. It means many good customer calls!

Boligmesse is a super venue for promoting and launching all kind of products and services for the housing industry. Join as an exhibitor at the housing fair and get:

  • Increased attention
  • Increased credibility
  • Increased reach
  • Increased sales!

Speakers at Boligmesse 2024

Visitor Image
Otto Robsahm
"Sinnasnekker'n" fra TV holder gøyale konkurranser og kurs
Einar Nilsson
Maler i “Tid for hjem” og “Tid for hage” på TV2
Kjersti Bergesen
Programleder i “Tid for hjem” og “Tid for hage” på TV2

Our exhibition is appealing to both women & men

We renovate like never before, and put a lot of time and money in our homes.

On our exhibitions you'll meet affluent visitors of both sexes, looking for exactly what they need to get their dream home come true.


We have visitors of all ages

Upgrading, expansion and change of residence occurs in all phases of life, and people of all ages and stages of life are seeking that information and inspiration at our exhibitions.

With us you will meet young people who are about to establish themselves, adults and middle-aged who are upgrading existing houses or build new and older who will furnish a new and easy-care housing.

25-66 years
83%: 25-66 years 4%: 18-24 years • 13%: +67 years

Meet thousands of potential customers in three days

Boligmesse is an effective arena for inspiration, relationship building and making sales

53% of transactions are made during the event

Our visitors are looking for inspiration, advice from experts, news and great deals. They are in buying mode, eager to get started on their projects. We guarantee you that there will be selling!

transactions on the fair

61% of transactions are made after the event

Many people visit Boligmesse to get inspiration and good offers. Then evaluate the offers when they get home and order from the exhibitors they saw at the exhibitions.

transactions after the fair

Satisfied visitors

We have a great communication with our visitors at the exhibitions, and almost 1 out of 4 respond to our surveys. As much as 81% of them say that they are more than satisfied with our exhibition.

Både høyt salg og merkevarebygging i målgruppen. Vi er utrolig godt fornøyd med messehøsten 2021 – hvor vi har vært med på de fleste messene! Våre lokale partnere i hele Norge har fått oppdrag helt frem til neste sommer, og må ansette flere medarbeidere for å imøtekomme etterspørselen. I tillegg til svært gode salgstall, har vi også styrket Vikingbad som merkevare blant kjøpeklare kunder i riktig målgruppe. Entusiasmen, engasjementet og teambuildingen internt er større og bedre enn noen gang før, så dette har virkelig vært en suksessfaktor for VikingBad! Kommunikasjonen med Boligmesse-teamet er fantastisk. Deres vilje og evne til å kaste seg rundt for å “go the extra mile”, og hele tiden være tilgjengelige og løsningsorienterte, har i høyeste grad bidratt til at dette har fungert så bra.

Stine Veronica Ellingsen


The top 5 on Boligmesse

Our audience is interested in everything related to home and garden. The five most popular areas of interest are:

Our visitors will happily return to Boligmesse

have visited Boligmesse before

first time visitors
will return to Boligmesse

Vi får alltid mange nye kunder på Boligmesse! Boligmesse er en naturlig del av vår kampanjeplan og Modena Flisgiganten har vært med på messen siden 2003. Interessen fra de besøkende er alltid stor. Vi får vist oss frem på en super måte og jobber langsiktig. Mange nye kunder kommer innom standen vår, og kontakter oss etter messen for bestilling. Derfor har vi alltid med gode messetilbud som varer en stund etter messen. Messetilbud gir publikum en god grunn til å besøke oss. Tilbudene annonserer vi i Boligmesse-avisen som distribueres bredt både i papirutgave og digitalt. Våre stands er ganske store og krever god tilrettelegging. Samarbeidet med Boligmesse har alltid vært godt. De tilrettelegger og følger opp slik at vi får jobbet med det vi skal, nemlig kundemøter. Vi anbefaler Boligmesse til alle bedrifter som jobber med produkter og tjenester til hus og hage. Vi gleder oss til å fortsette samarbeidet nå som alt har åpnet opp etter pandemien!

Gro Gregersen

Gro Gregersen
Daglig leder

Modena Flisgiganten

Vi har aldri hatt så mye å gjøre! Susann hadde aldri drømt om den enorme responsen hun fikk under deltakelse på Boligmesse i Ålesund høsten 2021. Hun driver Grøde Hagedesign som tilbyr hagedesign samt orangerier og veksthus. – Dette er tredje året jeg har vært med på Boligmesse. Det er bare godt å si om denne messen, både som utstiller og som riggeansvarlig for Spjelkavik drillklubb i dugnadssammenheng, forteller Susann. Med fulle ordrebøker etter årets messe, er det så vidt hun har tid til å svare på vår henvendelse. Det lover godt for fremtiden og vi håper å se henne på Boligmesse høsten om et år igjen.

Susann Misund Larsen

Susann Misund Larsen
Gründer og daglig leder

Grøde hagedesign

Meet all the potential customers you want

The best kind of relationships are face to face. On Boligmesse we give the housing industry a face, and introduce you to prospect customers. If you are attending one of our exhibitions with something good to offer, you are going to be noticed, guaranteed.

Our exhibitions attracts a lot of people with renovation plans. They expect to find everything they need and get great deals and inspiration for their homes. And many of the visitors also drop by you store after they have evaluated the offers.

Did you know that our visitors spend five times more money on housing renovation than the average Norwegian? All the relationships and transactions that take place at Boligmesse, continues happening to the exhibitors in the weeks and months after the show.

Are you looking forward to upscale your customer base? You can do that at Boligmesse!

Get more exposure & increase your sales!

Grab the attention, gain visibility and increase your sales with our targeted advertising offers


We offer you a cost effective targeted advertising. Our digital newsletters are sent to all the visitors that have already visited our exhibitions before.



Advertise on our newspaper and reach your target audience! The newspaper is distributed locally before each exhibition, both by mail and digitally.



Boligmesse Magazine prints over 100,000 copies and hands them out to everybody. With your ad in our magazine, you'll reach an entire audience eager to buy.


My first impression after participating in our first exhibition in Arendal is that Boligmesse was organized by a real professionals. The exhibition had record visits and attracted both locals and other people from the surrounding area.

Per Evensen

Per Evensen

Møbelringen Arendal

Our services

Rental of modern exhibition equipment

It's very easy to order all the equipment you need on And if you need any assistance when setting up your stand, we'll be there for you.

You can rent furniture, booth walls, carpets, banners, lighting, electronic equipment, and much more!

1. You can order the equipment on the exhibition's own page at CompassFairs.
2. The equipment will be ready byt the time you arrive at the exhibition.
3. You will receive an invoice for the equipment you have hired.

Sign up as an exhibitor

Send us your request to become an exhibitor and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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